I am so so so SOOOOOOO happy my mom is here. Tho will mean less blog updating and writing of article (gulp). BUT also means lots more photo taking. We are happy as little parental and offspring clams. In a rickshaw.
I am a domestic violence advocate working in Portland, OR. I love my job. And I fear I have begun to lose some of myself. I repeat, I love my job. I feel grateful beyond belief to daily work with and for amazing human beings, to be challenged, to be always learning, to be a witness to such powerful survivor-ship. And, I know/fear/dread that it will be unmanageable if I don't find more ways to creatively and compassionately counter the vicarious trauma I imbibe every day.
I don't think I'm alone in this, and I want this project to be a practice in more regular intention and healing, and also a sort of D.I.Y approach to finding new tools for self-care.
Even better, I dream of it eventually being less of a "do it yourself" and more of a "muddle through this together" where we can share ideas and support around ourselves being as whole, enriched and free as those we seek to serve. I often hear advocate talk of "the work" and what I want to focus more on here, is this work in progress- I invite you to join me.
So glad your mom made it!!
Enjoy each other!!! I can't wait for more photo's :)
I think of you both everyday! Gram says "Jenny is in India? Why! Ha, I have fun answering. Dawn
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