28/5/05 I would like to wish that this show is staged in every corner of this country.
Staging this play took a lot of courage, grit, will, determination & VAGINAS OF STEEL!!
…The most amazing theatre experience of my life…I am a proud feminist being a guy myself. I’m most willing to help you out with your cause to help stop atrocities handed out to women. I’m into media and will be honoured to help.
29/5/05 You spoke about me!!!
Just gifted this play performance on our wedding.
16/7/05 Especially loved the way you hit on the deep issues with so much subtlety
Thank you for ‘bringing up’ the ‘down there’!
24/9/05 Thank you for helping us respect our vaginas.
Great if we could have more men watch such performances; would make them more human.
They say change begins at home!
My vagina says THANK YOU!
25/9/05 …makes me want to celebrate my womanhood!
1/10/05 It’s the first time I ever said vagina.
An ecstatic celebration of womanhood. Thanks.
The show must go on!
Never thought I could see a play so great, so different, here in India!
The inhibition toward the word vagina has turned into respect.
Being a gynecological doctor, looking at numerous vaginas telling the stories of their mutilations, anger, sorrow, love, happiness—Never thought somebody could put it in better words!
16/12/05 Coming from Holland it’s great to see such a controversial piece acted out with such a power and strength respecting women all over the world!
18/12/05 I think the Monologues should be enacted in regional languages to reach a larger audience.
5/1/06 Now maybe I may understand my mother/wife better.
14/1/06 Keep on doing this; it means a lot to all the vaginas of the world!
Now I can discuss the ‘vagina’ with my daughter without being embarrassed.
Thanks for introducing me to my vagina.
12/3/06 I’m only 18…I feel like a more mature and comfortable young woman. Thank you.
I hope this turns into a movement.
7/5/06 …really changed a lot of my perceptions about women.
Am also glad I brought my mum along!
Matured people’s sex education.
Could there be a monologue by a TRANSGENVER longing for a VAGINA?
Simultaneously heartrending & entertaining.
I have been dealing with VAGINAS for some time now (I’m a gynecologist) but I guess I knew really REALLY little before I watched THIS! Thanks for all the education.
25/6/06 It has increased my respect for myself manifold. Comparison of vagina and heart was awesome!
I’m glad I got my 17-year-old to see the play – quite an eye opener
19/10/06 …it should be performed in various REGIONAL LANGUAGES so it reaches out to more people, especially women from all parts of India.
I’m so delighted to see this play in India where we really need to tell these dialogues & emancipate & empower our wonderful women.
As men, particularly in a society like that of India, we really do not come across “sources” where we get to hear the other side of the story. And that too portrayed so beautifully…
19/11/06 Very enlightening for a man!
Thank you so much for bringing this to Delhi, even if a few of us are less ‘tabooed’ it will make a difference. May we continue to celebrate ourselves and our vaginas!
Thank you for liberating everywoman in this audience, in a country where everyone of us is still a sex object, you’ve let us become a thing of grace and beauty.
I would love to hear more Indian women’s voices. Come to us, we’ll give you the stories!! (International Planned Parenthood Federation)
8/2/07 All females in my life will get more care and respect and love.
8/4/07 Just another instance when I realize that I appreciate a woman’s place in this world.
I’d really, really like to be part of it!
I wish sex education classes in school were like this!
I think a lot of what you said appeals mostly to the urban audience. Your next step should be to adopt it into every Indian language and spread the message to the masses to stop rape. THIS IS YOUR CHALLENGE. Would like to help.
10/5/07 More of us men should watch it. It will mature us and teach us to respect women.
Am coming here to see the play for the sixth time…
I have four daughters. Last year I held a mirror to them & showed them their vaginas and reaffirmed all that you just said in your play.
I’m sure my boyfriend and to-be-hubby will respect me & my vagina much more.
A must for everyone in India.
14/7/07 Prithvi 151 st show
An inspiring play handled with care, compassion & class…Need to give Indian women confidence.
Thanks for making the private public!
A must watch for our society.
…to touch the real, practical lives of women in such a simple way.
Hope the show runs and runs! It was the most empowering show I’ve seen! I’ve truly been touched!
15/7/07 I think it was absolutely brilliant. I’ve seen over 100 plays and it’s one of the best I have ever come across. Have waited almost a year to see this play. Must say it was work the wait. Amazing!
26/7/07 Prithvi Instilled and encouraged a strange but wonderful feling of freedom & acceptance of self.
It sure makes me love myself more.
The two times I’ve seen this wonderful wonderful play I’ve been bombarded with Tch! Tch! Tch! Oh no! Did she say clit/yani/vaginaaaa! Well, you’ve achieved what you always wished to – made them say the much-dreaded word…VAGINA!
I discovered myself!
My vagina is wide awake!
I am a man. It saddens me to see something so beautiful, natural & loving be so blatantly abused. Thank you for enlightening us.
Your play moved me, touched me beyond words. I am going to come back again & again.
Different, intelligent, vaginal.
22/7/07 Being a man…I would have to call watching your play my most liberating experience.
30/9/0 7 Deshpande v-good
Impressed that this could happen In India.
I was encouraged to see the play with my 20 year old daughter. No regrets!
Truly progressive!
Brilliantly ‘organismic.’
Must be made mandatory for men!
5/10/07 Max Adlass in Wadala
There was a moment when I had tears in my eyes. ..I have newfound admiration for women.
Make this compulsory viewing in all colleges, the army, the police force. It will sensitize people who matter.
I spent 18 months doing episiotomies in a public hospital. Your play affected me powerfully; I’ve traveled from Pune just to see this play – worth every mile!
Easily the most beautiful, innovative, expressive, bold & brilliant way of bring up issues related to us – Vaginas.
7/10/07 Vivid, vivacious, voluptuous, volatile, voracious…wonderful!!!
I loved the Indian take on things
Lucid, humorous day-to-day discourse to expose gender & sexual politics should to on!!
Never in my dreams would I have ever imagined myself screaming the word VAGINA in an auditorium…
This is what India needs and needs now.
After ten shows that I could not get tickets to, I have finally managed to watch it! Definitely worth the wait! The most refreshing and honest work I have perhaps ever seen!
Made me look at my vagina in a new way. Also hurt my tummy laughing!
Every 17-year-old bloke should be made to listen to this!!
Going home to check my vagina tonight!
Sri Lanka 22/10/07
Liberating! I’ve waited many years to enjoy these amazing Monologues.
Prithvi 20/12/07
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! A post grad, married 10 years, mother of two and today you made me realize what a wonderful thing I have been carrying around all this time – my wonderful, pulsating, throbbing , alive, beautiful fragrant vaginaJ
Thanks for making me experience this feeling. I am in my 8th month and I think my Baby loved it as well.
29/12/07 I’m from Iran. I wish there was freedom of speech there too.
It was fun screaming out CUNT & VAGINA with my mother, uncles, aunts & cousins! I’ve waited 40 years to do that.
Having been working in the field of reproductive & sexual rights, I felt that it was a great step to bring such isues in the open.
I’m never gonna wait for weekends now, as that’s when my hubby gets some time’ to make me come.’ I’m gonna enjoy on my own.
I saw VM for the second time today, with my husband. I recently got married and I had told him that I specifically want him to, want us to see this play together. And I loved it all the more this time too.
As a man, I felt sad and thankful at the same time.
Pune Festival at Nehru Audi
14/1/08 Please let me know when you are back. I WANT MY MOM TO SEE IT!
I’ve been waiting 2 years for this!
Thank you so much. I could feel the spirits of all the women hovering ( a doctor).
It opens everyone up.
Absolutely amazing, dashing, bold and factual. ‘Courageous move.’ Wonder how it will be taken in our country in ‘Hindi’. Be careful.
23/1/07 I am a girl & I should buy a hand mirror fast. A must-watch for men alongside women.
Gave me a new perspective on understanding the beauty of women.
Felt closed, stifled and dead; today realized which part of me died.
I’ve see this in Holland and in the Caribbean. This was the best!
Such an amazing, thought-provoking portrayal about women’s liberation. Wish you could bring this somehow to the Gulf where women are so suppressed & not allowed to voice themselves. Hope to see you there sometime in the not-so-distant future.
You know something likes this exists, but never wish to see it.This play turned my reluctance into acceptance. I liked it a lot for a long list of reasons.
Such a thought-provoking play. When will women be taught that they also have the right to all the pleasures. Whenever they have and second or third partner they feel as they have become whores. I thing you should also include this aspect. As men think it’s their right to change partners, but now women.
…like a journey…
Highly provocative. I can see why is wasn’t allowed in Singapore where I came from It even awakened me to emotions in myself that I didn’t know I had.
Calcutta 29/1/08
…little too much
Pathbreaking is an understatement. It is surely a new beginning.
The similarity between the heart and the vagina was an eye opener.
…from darkness to light…
I am nineteen and I had already forgotten how it is to be a woman. Thank you.
It takes a lot of courage & love to do what you are doing. It’s a huge responsibility to give back the vagina’s dignity. Thanks for it.
Can you bring the Vagina Workshop here?
9/2/08 …great local adaption
I feel all powerful…
You should put on a show for all our guys in Kashmir (the Indian army).
This makes having an orgasm more legitimate. How come no talk on the period; that’s one time most women hate their vaginas!
8/03/08 You gals are the guardian angels for all the vaginas throughout the world!
This is an experience that will stay with me for all my life.
Total gender bias you make a production for vagina monologues. Why not penis monologues as each coin has two sides, you have to show both the sides. If you don’t, I will.
I used to love pussies, now I love them more than ever & respect them.
Bangalore 4/4/08
I once did 9 episiotomies in a single night shift in …The last monologue brought back memories of exhaustion, blood and the needle, thread and technique.
Saw the original in NYC 6 years ago.
It was a revelation.
Thank you for bringing in a VAGINA VOCAL REVOLUTION!
9/4/08 This is the first play that I have seen.
It must be performed in Islamic countries
19/4/08 This is the second time I have watched this play & it has had an unbelievable impact in my life,
my thought process & my understanding of women. Absolutely fucken incredible!
It was an experience of a lifetime. I have never been kind to my VAGINA…it should be part of curriculum…
…I could never imagine so many facets of my vagina…
26/4/08 This totally gave me a new perception to vaginas and since I watched it with my mum, I think it
made the topic of vaginas easier between us.
26/6/08 I am recommending this to everyone I know/don’t know.
Of all species, only humans have the pleasure of enjoying sex. An hour and half back, vagina was important for me. Now it’s sacred and person.
Slightly tougher for men to identify. Suggestion: make a new play – vaginal dialogue (including views from men).
Striking truth!
The past 90 minutes changed the way I look at life & myself.
27/6/08 This is the second time I am watching this and I must say I have changed.
I love the VAGINA MONOLOGUES. I’ve done a reading of it, I’ve read it end to end a million times, I’ve seen 4 other versions, but today, wow, today was amazing…
27/6/08 I thought I was a doctor and knew it all, but you just liberated me & my vagina.
It needs to be shown for women who might not see it otherwise.
8/6/08 Going into the play I was so blank and coming out brimming. So much so that my
dictionary falls short.
2/7/08 Helped clear a lot of my myths.
I wish my husband was there watching!!!
5 years to get to see this.
The only missing cycle is the WIDOW VAGINA.
16/7/08 I am a gynecologist. One night I got a call: “Doctor.I am having an itching sensation in my
vagina.” “Damn it…scratch! “ It was 2am. Keep it up!
A beginning!
Finally the vagina speaks her heart & claims her true place!
Recommended for all high schools.
16/7/08 Helped me question.
I am 30 year old urban Indian woman and never examined my vagina. Will do it tonight!
Today happens to be my 48th birthday and I was invited to the play by my 18-year-old son –It feels like I got the chance to grow up on a rainy Monday.
28/7/08 I watched the play with my 2 teenage daughters. It was very liberating for me & I hope my daughters also found it so.
I have learnt so many new ways of self-expression. I am amazed at the sheer truthfulness of the monologues.
…overdue message…
Suggestion: try and concentrate on rural areas & small towns.
The unexpected ordinary but extraordinary. I am 21 and you changed the way I look at girls. Thank you.
…extremely subversive…
It makes us feel that we have entered the 21 st century…bravery with elegance.
28/8/08 I am a father of two daughters, older one aged 10. I would like her to be guided in the right
manner about her body.
`…leads to opening up of our sordid minds…
Thanks . I’ve largely undone twenty years of damage by assholes.
I have actually revisited myself.
Should be part of gynecology curriculum in all colleges.
One of the few experiences that has moved me.
Being a doctor, I didn’t know that I didn’t know so much about vaginas.
Awakening epitomized.
I wept. (a man)
Spellbinding. I am sure millions of ladies, girls or maybe even males have been liberated by speaking and more by listening and even more by laughing. I could watch it 1,000 times.
This was the most beautiful and satisfying piece of work I’ve seen I can go back home beaming PROUD to have a VAGINA.
These things have to be said out loud. (a man)
My appreciation goes by your tribute to women in labor and delivery. (a midwife)
Wonderfully woven in pleasure and sadness. You made me laugh and cry all at the same time.
Great exposure.
Whenever someone unwanted touches my vagina, it shouts and cries and no one hears it. But it speaks…
“The first step towards spiritual awakening is self-acceptance…” VAGINA MONOLOGUES has led me to the FIRST STEP.
I am liberated, but now I am overliberated.
10/9/08 A very fair liberation of the fair sex. A clear & honest narration of the w(hole) truth.
It’s liberating to think about a piece of my anatomy which I had forgotten existed. Thanks for the experience.
My vagina throbbed with life today.
A complete eye opener. I have my Mom’s suffering from uterine cancer and now can empathize more with what she’s going through.
We will attend as many times as we can! Love you people! I am 20 years old and I’ve never felt this way before.
I can say it now, I can feel it now, I don’t know whether I can celebrate it yet.
I’m proud to be a woman today.
It’s important to this society.
Should come up in other languages as well. You can even start an AIDS awareness program with this.
Don’t stop. Let the yonis storm the whole of India.
Superb translation. This performance should go to every corner of India.
Funny, but after seeing the performance some words do not sound obscene anymore.
This play can empower girls of India to become great and wonderful women of India.
22/1/08 Feel liberated as if someone has freed me of my hypocrisies.
It’s slowly breaking free from its English original.
Hindi version is more lyrical.
23/1/08 VAGINA MONOLOGUES is beautifully crafted, but I feel as a girl that it should be telecast on
television so that each and everyone can watch it and learn lesson from it: to respect a woman.
A goose -bump affair. Every incident strikes a chord.
You girls are the spice girls (very spicy).
16/3/08 Life has started today.
28/6/08 Nice way to change the world.
I feel so proud to be an Indian – as a product of this generation that allows for women such as you to leave a mark in this society.
The English performance was moving, disturbing. The Hindi show was an eye-opener. You are changing lives with every show; please go on.
29/6/08 I’ll continue with the thought that I have to learn many more things. This play of yours has given me a damn big vision about the whole world round
More power to women, especially in our country. I strongly feel that this play should tour the country especially in the interiors of our country so that more people can be part of the ‘V Movement.’
6/8/08 Awakenings. The last episode was soul stirring.
Must play all over India, a country requires such a play, especially men.
It’s struggle, it’s right, it’s awesome step beyond existence. It’s very important!
Educative for a shunned society.
28/11/08 Could be a replacement for sex education if nothing else.
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