(my morning walk along the waterfront)
I love this, how sometimes its about not asking- about resisting and perservering...
"Sarah: Hi I’m Sarah. I’m actually from Memphis, Tennessee [...] I’ve been involved in V-Day for about six years [...] in Memphis, and then I brought it to my university, Mississippi University for Women [...] It’s a very small school, about 2,500 people, and a really conservative area, so I had- I asked my junior year, and was shot down by the president. She said I could quietly show the movie. So I showed it.
Eve: QUIETLY show the movie [laughter]
Sarah: It wasn’t very quiet, I don’t think she liked that much. And my last year, I just didn’t ask. [laughter, “yeah!”] And we had it in a room about this size, we had a hundred people crammed in, so it was a small presentation-
Eve Go girl!
Sarah: - but it got a lot of awareness out, and we gave the money to the Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Hurricane Katrina Fund, Which helped with shelters that had been torn down from the hurricane.
Eve: I want to just say, you all don’t know Mississippi. But to do the Vagina Monologues in Mississippi, is like doing it in Islamabad, Pakistan. [appreciative laughter] Its about the same, it’s about the same. So I just want to say, kudos for your bravery! You go!"
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