Friday, November 28, 2008


Woke up to the real Thanksgiving, and it was one of those mornings where you read the news and the world seems to have gone to hell overnight. My obscene good luck seems to have ground to a dramatic halt. Having just submitted my Indian visa and almost bought my ticket to pursue double research in Mumbai, I woke up to hear the city is in flames, that Americans are being targeted, hostaged, murdered on rooftops. My back-up plan, Bangkok, Thailand is coincidentally also on the verge of catastrophe and all the airports are closed while Americans are being flighted out… I am fully aware that these are thoroughly selfish responses, I additionally have deep sorrow for those who have been affected. And the production here has been canceled because funding pulled out at the last minute. While this in itself is educational and relevant to my research, and though I’ve already learned much and will continue to do so my last weeks here, it is still a downer. I was so jittery yesterday that I felt highly over-caffeinated, then realized I was just feeling stress and sadness. Guess it’s a sign of how well things have been going that I didn’t recognize it as such. I feel restless, as all the options I was so excited for are closing to me. I guess if I get stranded in Spain it won't be such a bad thing, ha...

My mom’s voice as it crackled like autumn leaves through the no-doubt very expensive connection yesterday, would counsel taking this moment to reflect upon what I am grateful for. Yesterday I pretty much just had the heart to hibernate. And today I don’t have any eloquence regarding my gratitude, but it is of course still present; mainly in the deep love I am radiating out from this freezing Balkan city to project around the world. My people are so scattered, but I am so deeply lucky to know and care for as many people as I do, and to know they in turn love me. I have received massive support, letters, a near constant stream of love and news… For this I am deeply grateful, as well for the physical safety of those I love.

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