Back to childhood today- fell down and skinned my knee and went to the zoo with my friend and her little daughter. Considering the urgency that is being 22, and the current romantic irony that plunges me in alternated possibility and exhaustion, it was so nice to just slow the fuck down. See four-year old joy and trust, be touched by this tiny complete little person. I miss touch almost recklessly.
Walking to the office I saw a photograph I had studied for an assignment, ‘The decisive moment’ which submerged me into a reverie of thought. In the photograph, the man is walking on water- yet we know he is about to fall in, trench coat and all. We rarely know which moments will be decisive until they have arrived and we are changed. Yet even as I write that, I can think of a handful of utterly epic decisive moments... I remember I chose to take a quiet approach to the inspiration, and those images of my mom on the beach are some of my favorite photographs. She is quiet, trusting me, the moment is full as the frame, the shadows rich, the skin texture complex. In the other her feet are splayed in the sand, and I feel so tender towards the indentations left by her socks. I would like to appreciate quiet moments like these more.
I made some beautiful photographs at the zoo. Instead of zebras and tucans I had all these stolen little moments of mother and daughter, and they just got erased which is so incredibly frustrating! I swear, technology hates me and acts all spontaneously malevolent in ways that are theoretically impossible. For example, why did this photo upload vertically? Sigh sigh. So much for appreciating quiet moments, I'm watching a movie.
1 comment:
girl change your background so i can read this!
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