So ~ having met the dynamic and persuasive Ana while in UK for the V-Day European workshop, I was willingly-wrangled into leading a workshop in her hometown of Quinto, Spain. She loved the idea of Love Your Body Days which we do as part of S.H.E. (Strength, Health, Equality) at Willamette, and asked me to lead a similar event dealing with body image issues in Spain. Though Anthropologically this is a bit invasive, or more participant than participant-observer, something I am really learning through my research is that activists use the tactics they need in order to broach sensitive subjects. As a soon to be PhD in Medical Anthropology (her research focuses on rural Spanish women's experiences with breast cancer), Ana is well aware of this.
Yet, she is strategically using our "foreignness" to intrigue and draw the local vecinas to the workshop. Her theory is that our young/american/feminst energy, etc. will allow us to facilitate a more enthusiastic workshop, thus leading to more open discussion. It IS local in that all the motivation and organization is hers; yet just as Mexico and the Balkans use the celebrity wow factor to gain legitimacy for the VMs, she is creatively playing upon the factors that she knows will lure a broader audience. The poster is above, and the advertising e-mail below. I am really excited (asked Stina who is studying in Granada to co-facilitate with me, which works out great because she is also researching these themes) and feel full of energy and creativity to be actually DOING something myself, in contrast to this constant observance of the actions of others.
Hola a tod@s,
Como ya sabéis el DíaV Quinto 2009 está engrasando la maquinaria para otra súper-exitosa-producción.
Para ponernos a tono, el DíaV nos ha traído a dos mujeres estupendas desde los Estados Unidos. Jen y Stina serán las encargadas de dirigir el primer taller de la campaña el sábado 20 de diciembre a las 17h en la Casa de Cultura de Quinto. ¡El taller promete ser divertido así que apuntarlo en vuestra agenda y traed ropa cómoda!
El taller también es la excusa perfecta para salir de casa, reírnos un rato y después ir de vermuteo!
Para más información sobre el taller mirar el súper poster adjunto que el equipo del DiaV ha preparado con tanta iVaginación;)
Por favor, distribuir este email entre vuestros contactos de la comarca, ¡contra más seamos, mejor!
Un saludo
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